Ownership and Affiliations

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Ownership and affiliation provide another means by which to classify hotel property . There are two types one is Individual and another is chain hotel.
  • Independent Hotels :- They do not have identifiable ownership or management affiliation with other properties. That means these properties doesn't have any relationship to another hotel regarding policies , procedures , marketing or financial obligations . Example for the same would be family owned and operated hotel that is not following any corporate policies or procedures. The advantage of a individual property is its autonomy . An independent hotel however does not get the advantage of board advertising exposure or management insight and consultancy of an affiliated property .
  • Chain hotels :- These kind of ownership usually imposes certain minimum standards, rules , policies and procedures to restrict affiliate activities . In general the more centralized the organization tge stronger the control over the individual property . Some chain have strong control over the architecture, management and standards of affiliate properties . Others concentrate only on marketing , advertising and central purchasing .